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Interpretativno dinamska transakcijska analiza

Workshop: Clinical use of Interpretive Dynamic Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (IDTAP)

Objavljeno siječanj 8, 2024


Negative therapeutic reaction?

How to recognize if a client’s wish to end therapy is, actually, acting out?

Why is it important to understand a client’s personality structure and level of functioning?

Those are some of the challenges we face as therapists. IDTAP gives answers to them.

Interpretive Dynamic Transactional Analysis Therapy (IDTAP)

enables you to understand not only the client’s history, trauma, script, but also what is happening in the client, moment to moment, during the session.

If you would like to know more about it, UTA is organizing webinar:


WHEN?                       Saturday 13. 4. 2024. 10-17 CET

WHERE?                     Online (Zoom)

WHO?                          Aleš Živković, MSc, PTSTA (P), CTA (P)

                            Certified Transactional Analyst (Psychotherapy) – CTA(P)

FOR WHOM?             Therapists and student in education to become a therapist (knowing TA is not necessary).

LANGUAGE?             English

PRICE?                        50 eura (for UTA members)

                                   80 eura (for non UTA members)

CERTIFICATE?         All partcipants will get an participation confirmation.


– Learning about the most common challenges in treatment (negative therapeutic reactions, resistances, etc.)

Using transference and countertransference for assessment and diagnosis.

The interplay between internal and interpersonal dynamics and how to use them to understand the process between the client and the therapist.

– Learn about TA concepts underpinning IDTAP

– Understandning dynamic ego state model and it’s application in clinical practice.

– Learning about the differences in the use of IDTAP and other TA approaches

Webinar will be interactive, and concepts will be described by examples. Attendees will be able to pose questions or present a client for analysis.


– Understanding difference between levels of personality functioning and how is it important for treatment.

– Interpersonal and intrapsychic defensive strategies and identity consolidation

– Use of transference and countertransference from the IDTAP perspective.

– Therapeutic frame and therapeutic contract.

– Bern’s basic principles and IDTAP.

– Dynamic ego state model and how it differs from Berne’s structural and functional models.


Ales Zivkovic, MSc (TA Psych), CTA(P), PTSTA(P) is a UKCP-registered psychotherapist, supervisor, and trainer, with his clinical practice based in Central London.

In his clinical practice, Ales focuses on the areas of developmental trauma and personality disorders. He mainly works with individuals and couples. He also specializes in group and intergroup processes, cultural and collective identities, and the impacts diversity may have at clinical, organizational, and societal levels.

Ales worked within the UK NHS as an individual and group therapist. He is internationally involved as a trainer and supervisor, and regularly publishes and presents his theory development. He is also a member of the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA) and the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA).


Interpretive Dynamic Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (IDTAP) is a unique approach to the use of TA in a clinical setting. It represents a 3-person psychotherapy approach, placing transference and countertransference at its forefront.

IDTAP is firmly grounded in some of Berne’s original theories and updated with contemporary psychoanalytic and psychodynamic methods, research, and evidence-based approach to transference and countertransference.

Using IDTAP in clinical setting allows the practitioner to track moment-to-moment interactions and use them to understand the various conscious and unconscious processes that are alive in a particular moment.


Zivkovic, A. (2020) Developmental Trauma and the Bad Object: Attachment, Identity, Reenactment. Transactional Analysis Journal, 50(3), 251-265

Zivkovic, A. (2022) The Use of INterpretive Dynamic Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (IDATP) in Facilitating Structural INtegration When Working With Renactment of Developmental Trauma in the Psychotherapy Setting. Transactional Analysis Journal 52(2), 120-133

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